How long would it take vampires to annihilate humanity?

Dear Weirdlings,

The woods are obscure. We cannot see through them, the shadows too immense. A tiredness settles upon us. Should we lay down? Should we trust to the dark?

Welcome to this week’s assemblage of the weird.


Horror Lives in the Body (Electric Literature)

Exploring the ways horror evokes real physical reactions, Megan Pillow Davis writes, “this essay is something of a love letter to horror, the film genre I always return to. What fascinates me most are the ways in which my body responds to horror and what that means. What this self-professed gorehound wants to know, then, are the answers to simpler questions: what does horror do? How do we know it when we see it?”

Why Friday the 13th Has Stood the Test of Time (PopHorror)

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of a classic, Tracy Allen examines how the original film manages to maintain its enduring legacy.

Hail to the Deadites to Premier at the Fantasia International Film Festival (Dread Central)

Highlighting the cult fandom surrounding The Evil Dead, Hail to the Deadites is a documentary on the franchises continuing success, from the films and beyond.

New Trailer Heralds the Arrival of Nazi Vampire Film Blood Vessel (Rue Morgue)

Mash Nazis up with any monster you like, we’ll gladly give it a watch.


Here’s How Long It Would Take Vampires to Annihilate Humanity (Atlas Obscura)

Certain academics have taken an interest in vampirism over the years — or more precisely, they examine what would happen if humans and vampires were to coexist using mathematical models, determining how long it would take the undead to wipe us out.

Short of the Week

With silent film stylings, the stop-animation Chainsaw Maid presents a gory tale of a maid and a young girl fighting to survive the zombie apocalypse. Vibrant colors and the jerky movement of the animation provides a fantastic blend of horror and humor.